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We Want to Hear from You! Resident Discovery Survey

Published: October 30, 2024

We hope this message finds you well! As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our community and ensure we're meeting the needs of all residents, we’re conducting a Resident Discovery Survey.

Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand what matters most to you and how we can improve the services, amenities, and overall living experience within our community.

How to Participate: Please take a few minutes to complete the survey here:
Resident Discovery Survey. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used to inform decisions and improvements.

Deadline: The survey will be open until December 31, 2024.

Thank you in advance for your participation and for being an important part of shaping the future of our community. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to use the “Contact Us” tab available on the community website.

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